7th Annual Shawnee Hills Pottery Trail
Saturday, April 30, 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday, May 1, 10 am - 5 pm
The seventh annual Shawnee Hills Pottery Trail event will take place Saturday,April 30 and Sunday May 1 from 10 AM to 5 PM each day. If you are traveling in the Shawnee Hills, the Illinois Ozarks, perhaps checking out the Wine Trail or Giant City State Park, the Pottery Trail would be a fun diversion. Nine potters will be featured on the Trail. The self-guided driving/biking trail will include 6 stops and go through beautiful Jackson and Union Counties in Southern Illinois. The event is open and free for everyone and will give the public a chance to interact with the potters, see their creations and view demonstrations. The Pottery Trail is partially supported by a grant from the Murphysboro Tourism Commission. There will also be pottery for sale at each stop. A Pottery Trail Passport will be available at any stop and if completed with a stamp from each stop will give the visitor a chance to win free pottery. The potters request that all guests wear a mask and practice social distancing while visiting their spaces.
The link for the Shawnee Hills Pottery Trail website, which includes information on each of the potters and maps of the trail is: http://potterstrail.wix.com/pottery-trail
on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PotteryTrail/
The potters include Dan Johnson, Steve Grimmer, Harris Deller, Stephanie Dukat, Darby Ortolano, Rob Lorenz, Karen Fiorino and Kati Woolsey. Each potter brings their unique style and firing technique to the creation of their works. From colorful majolica pieces, delicate porcelain works, to wood fired sculptural stoneware these potters work in a variety of ceramic traditions. They live and have their studios located in the beautiful rolling Shawnee Hills here in Southern Illinois. They take their inspiration from the nature around them, real and invented stories, functional needs of the everyday and the long history of sculptural clay and pottery throughout the ages.